Well, I am a life long football player(soccer in the States) and have always followed the EPL. A few years ago I thought it was time to pick a team to follow. I loved the history of the club and more than that I loved the style of the club. The way they play the game, and the way the go about everything. It just seems like the \"Right Way\". I live and die with wins and loses now, and I hear about it if the lose. I am surrounded by Liverpool, Chelsea, and ManU fans.
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Welcome along mates / Please introduce yourself here ...
13-11-2008, 19:49:20
Thanks for the advice! I am really looking forward to my trip to Paris, and know I am really looking forward to watching an Arsenal game with some French Gooners!
Welcome along mates / Please introduce yourself here ...
13-11-2008, 19:17:22
Brand new to the site, I am an American from Dallas, Texas. I am traveling to Paris at the end of Feburary and will be there for a few Arsenal games. I am a big Arsenal fan and don't want to miss out. Is there any place in Paris where fellow Gooners get together to watch games?
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