Arsenal Supporter Club France

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Messages - Weal97

Mine's a pint of rocket fuel - what are you having them (usual English nostalgic pub fanatasy here, sorry mate)

Gonna be watching it live on the uefa streaming pay per view - rock on!!


Yeh Laurence Shame on me...

Let's hope it all clicks back in place... seems to me our performance is dependent on how well Fabregas plays... when he's average, we're average.

Anyway, I'm sure it'll be a good game, whatever!

Hi Alan
Well, the short answer is enjoying myself, the French weather (mostly) the French wine (mostly) and the French women (well, my wife anyway :cool:)

I won't bore you with the long answer - nothing to do with football anyway:lol:

Where abouts in the North? At least blighty's drivable from there - I'm gonna have to take out shares in Easyjet soon:fou:

Andy (still trembling after Saturday - and dreading Tuesday... )
Hi guys and gals,

Well this is jolly innit? Andy here - a regular cockney ... well not really, but I was born in Clapham and have most of me cousins in ... Chingford - very handy when I visit now (not often unfortunately) I'm down here near Lyon - who oh so nearly rocked the Man U boat midweek - close but no cigar I'm afraid ... and it was all they were showing on French TV whilst the gunners were hammering on the Milanese door...

Nice to talk to you all, looking forward to some good topics

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