Citation de: jones79How are you Brady 1979?Where do you live in France?Just outside Poitiers: so a football desert (nearest Ligue1 teams Le Mans to the north or Bordeaux to the South; not practical). Thank god for Sky dishes and internet streaming that's all I can say.
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Welcome along mates / Please introduce yourself here ...
18-04-2009, 18:31:112
Welcome along mates / Please introduce yourself here ...
04-01-2009, 17:48:30
Hi folks,
My name's Ian, I was born in Highbury (the borough, not the ground unfortunately!), lived in Crewe most of my adult life (come on the Alex!) and escaped the UK a couple of years ago before the credit crunch (couldn' afford it now!)
My name's Ian, I was born in Highbury (the borough, not the ground unfortunately!), lived in Crewe most of my adult life (come on the Alex!) and escaped the UK a couple of years ago before the credit crunch (couldn' afford it now!)
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